Thursday, June 8, 2017

Jenkins Installation and Java Configuration for Windows

Jenkins can be downloaded and installed easily. Please follow below steps.

Step 1: Go to the URL

Step 2: Under Long-term Support (LTS) column, check for “Generic Java Package (.war)” to download the “jenkins.war” file.

Step 3:  Save the file in some location, example "C:\\citools\\jenkins\\jenkins.war".

Step 4: Open the command prompt, navigate to the file location .

Step 5: After navigating to the file location run the command “java -jar jenkins.warin the command prompt.  

We should see installation start,  after few minutes Jenkins initial Password will be displayed in command prompt like “90ef931f2f954b6sd5ca75c94c8a92f8” make a note of it.

Once the installation completed we should see “Jenkins is up and Running” message in the command prompt.

Step 6: Now open a browser and enter URL http://localhost:8080. We should see Jenkins page being opened with a password field.

Enter the initial password noted in the previous step and press on Enter. Now, a new page with credential creation will be displayed. Create your own user id, password.

Step 7: Once the Jenkins account get created, click on Install Suggested Plugins

Step 8: Suggested plugins starts installing, please wait for few minutes

Step 9: After plugins installation, Jenkins dashboard page will be displayed. Next Jenkins needs to configured with Java, Source Repository and etc. for further usage. 

For now we concentrate on configuring Java in Jenkins. Click on Manage Jenkins on the Dashboard.

Step 10: Click on Global Configuration link

Step 11: Click on Add JDK button

Step 12: Enter JAVA_HOME and Java home directory paths in the respective fields. Click save button

That's how we install Jenkins on Windows and Configure Java in Jenkins.

#HappyLearning #HappyTesting

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the step-by-step practical explanation! Hope waiting for few more posts to be posted!
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