Sunday, October 16, 2022

DevOps 01: What is DevOps and How it benefits organizations?

DevOps is a culture in an organization, where the development team and operations team help each other by sharing information, process and tools to successfully develop and maintain a software application.

Software development and software testing are not separate in DevOps world, Dev includes software development and it's testing.

Ops (Operations) team is responsible for software deployment and it's maintenance in the production or live environment, with no or limited communication with the dev team.

DevOps bridges the gap between the Dev and Ops team for successful software development and deployment.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

API Testing 08: How to send POST request in REST-assured?

POST is a http method, it is used for creating the new resources on the server. In particular, it is used for creating the subordinate resources.

When we POST the request, the service will associate the new resource with the parent resource assigning an ID. On successful creation of new resource the request returns a location header with link to newly created header and HTTP status code 201 (created). 

POST request consists of request line, headers and body/payload. The body/payload can be of different types like Simple Object (String, Map, JsonObject), File and Model (POJO). In this tutorial we will send the payload as simple object (String). Please check the below code.

API Testing 07: How to send GET request in REST-assured?

GET is one of the HTTP method which is used for retrieving the representation of the resource. If the resource is found on server-side it returns JSON or XML format response with HTTP response code 200 (OK).

If the resource not found, it returns the HTTP status code 404 (NOT FOUND).

We will be using for demo purpose. In the below example using get() method we are sending the request to server.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Selenium4: Working with two parallel windows in Selenium Automation

A new method newWindow() is introduced in Selenium 4 (Alpha). Using this method we can open a new tab or new window from the current window. We can switch between the TABS/WINDOWS and work in parallel.

newWindow(WindowType.TAB) -- Opens a new tab

newWindow(WindowType.WINDOW) -- Opens a new window

In this post we will see working with two windows in parallel.

1. The first window launches the and prints the title
2. Open the new window/tab, switch to it and launch
3. Search for "" in Google
4. Switch back to first window and click on the projects menu on

Friday, November 1, 2019

How do you identify broken links in Selenium Automation?

When we are asked to identify the broken links in the application, what we do? Collecting all the links on the page to a list and looping through links, clicking on links one by one and verify whether the content on the next page displayed or not?

This process is time consuming, and not that effective as it involves multiple to and fro actions. We can identify the broken links without clicking on the each link using Rest-assured (Java API Library). If you wish to know more about rest-assured click this link. Lets jump into coding part.

Monday, October 21, 2019

What is the difference between Implicit Wait and Explicit Wait in Selenium Automation?

This is one of the frequently asked question in interviews. The answer is very simple, in Selenium automation the waits are categorised into types Implicit Wait and Explicit Wait.

Implicit Wait: This wait applicable to all the web elements on the web application through the project once defined. If we define this wait as "15" seconds at driver instantiation level, then driver will wait for 15 seconds for any web element on the web pages.

Explicit Wait: This wait is applicable to one web element at a time based on a condition. Suppose there are two web elements say "button" and "link", button is loading after 20 seconds and link is loading after 30 seconds. So we can define Explicit wait for 20 seconds and 30 seconds using WebDriverWait respectively. And now, WebDriver waits for maximum  20 seconds for "button" and 30 seconds for "link" separately. If the given condition is met within the maximum time, WebDriver moves to the next step, it will not for maximum time period.

DevOps 01: What is DevOps and How it benefits organizations?

DevOps is a culture in an organization, where the development team and operations team help each other by sharing information, process and t...